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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Hole in the Heavens

Photo editted by using picasa

Okay, this is a random picture which i took while i was on my way to work. I took it while there was a stupid traffic jam cause by an idiot who didn't refill his petrol in time and had to stop his damn car in the middle of the road to refill it while those drivers on the road kept cutting the lines, they can't even queue properly causing the others to lose their patient.

Selfish people...What a big mess!

Get photo software Picasa from Google

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

UFO sneaking at you

Do you believe in UFOs? Aliens?

Well, i do even though i also has a faith to keep. Don't tell me that in this whole enormous universe, we are the only ones who exist and live in it?

Bull SHit!

I believe in it, yet, i don't think i got the guts to face the real Aliens when they really appear in front of me. I think the 1st i thing i would if i really sees it, is, piss in my own pants while crawling my way away from that, that another world being, this is same as facing GoD(yes, i'm scare of God too, just because i'm not prepare).

I don't deny the fact that i'm a coward, i'm not prepared to face such things yet, even in educations, they rarely mention about such things, if they really exist maybe it was like the Man In Blacks, they keep the secrets about their existence knowing that the Earth inhabitants are not prepare to deal with the outer beings.

I also had a real weird thought about them, what if they The Aliens had been observing us since our primitive ancestors time? Or even ealier as though we are like their lab Rats? To observe our nature, life span, intellectual and many things?
Even as now, they are each given a task to look over every single human on earth, as we hide in our dark corner doing our daily and private or dark(?) routine, such as digging our nose, bathing, in the toilet pee-ing, murdering....And then they would write it in their reports just like us Human doing our observant reports...

Yew...this is so creepy.....

So guys, do you believe in them?

Please read the comment below

Okay guys, i know have not been update my blog properly, today, i intended to do so, but then, after reading some comments of the previous post (which supposely belong to another older post, with the name of Twilight Built, i guess they put it there so that i could notice them, thanks whoever you are! :P) so i decided to leave this site for awhile hoping that you guys might read the comments from my last post which is in the wrong place.

I can't put them here in the open cause well...they are real sensitive comments....

Please read the comments of the previous post by the name of Twilight Built !

Friday, May 26, 2006

Twilight Built

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Urban Milieu

I am no China Man Nor am I a True Citizen of my Country

Due to some reasons i have emerged two articles of mine into One for easy reading.

I'm No ChinaMan!

I hate people referring me as 中国(zhōng gúo rén) literally means China man. I checked the WikiDictionanry and found that in English, the word 'chinese' refer to people who are living in or coming from China. This include those chinese who not born in china yet CHINESE of origin!

Confusing you may think, but in the Chinese language, they don't call these chinese who born outside China and live outside China and have their own citizen of that particular country as 中国人(zhōng gúo rén) instead, they refer themselves as 华裔 (huá yì) which means, persons of Chinese ethnicity born outside China.

This is different from the word (huá qiáo) which means, persons who live outside of China but have Chinese nationality, in other words, chinese immigrants.

In English, every chinese, overseas born, immigrats or those in China are called chineses. For them, there isn't much different, it's all the same. In Chinese Language,they makes whole lot of differences. I'm no 中国人(zhōng gúo rén) nor 华侨(huá qiáo) . I'm 华裔(huá yì), Malaysia's 华裔(huá yì).

In this country which it's national language is Malay followed by the importance of English language, Chinese language is in 3rd place. Many of the chinese here are Banana Men meaning, yellow skin on the outside but white skin on the inside. For Chinese long as you can speak chinese it is already enough, as my teacher once told me, our motto of having education is to communicate rather than to learn which was a shame to us as many researches revealed that Malaysian's don't read much compare to others developed countries like Japan. Yet this was also one of our pride as Malaysians as we can speak more than one language. Pros and cons...

Many chinese stopped their chinese education when they advanced to Secondary school which was a pity... and because of these reasons many Malaysia 华裔 tends to call themselves as 中国人.



Yet i'm no True Citizen of my country...

I hate to admit, but sometimes i feel as though i was on neither side, not a true malaysian nor a true chinese. In Malaysia, aboriginals have special protections from the Goverment while other races like chinese, indians, and other immigrated races have none. The protection was obvious ranging from educations to politics to religions.

In Education, others races strive real hard to get into local Universities while the abroginal just waits from the Gocernment to let them in.

I had a real good example to descride how it was, i had a friend, A who gets 9As in her exam while she had another abroginal, B friend who just 4As, my friend waited and waited anxiuosly for the goverment to reply her application yet there's no news about theapplication instead B immediately got the application.

I heard that local Universities have reserve at least 90% of the places for the abroginals while the rest was given for other races like Indian, Chinese, eurasians to fight amongst themselves. Because of this sole reasons other races tends send their children to go overseas and study which caused the money to flow out the country and who is to blame?

Even in the books we study in school they alternated the real events, especially History of Malaysia, Yap Ah Loy was the one who developed Kuala Lumpur making it as one of the portential cities to be the Capital of Malaysia as it is now. In recent History Books, i saw, his name was mentioned only once. And then it is no more to be seen else where.

Even in Religions.
Again i went to Wiki pedia and found out that though we have the right to practice our own Religion, yet there are lot of restrictions, example:

Churches are allowed in Malaysia though there are some restrictions on construction of new churches. No pre-existing churches have been closed down by the government and no standing congregations have been disbanded. However, it is hard to build new churches. For instance, it took more than ten years for the local authority in Shah Alam to allow a church to be built there.

In another topic found in WikiPedia about the Status of religious freedom in Malaysia

The status of religious freedom in Malaysia is a controversial issue. Islam is the official state religion and the Constitution of Malaysia provides for limited freedom of religion, notably placing control upon the 'propogation' of religion other than Islam to Muslims, a fundamental part of a number of other religions. However, questions including whether Malays can convert from Islam and whether Malaysia is an Islamic state or secular state remains unresolved.

(Skip till the end of the post if you don't feel like reading it, bt please post comment after reading ...)

There'is a case about the Issues concern with Conversion into Islam also found in WikiPedia:
Long yet enough to descride the situaction here in Malaysia.

Conversion of minor by one parent

In the case of Chang Ah Mee v Jbt. Hal Ehwal Agama Islam (2003) heard in the Sabah High Court. The father converted to Islam and converted the child to Islam without consent or knowledge of the mother, Chang Ah Mee, on July 28, 1998. The mother gained custody of the child on Nov 13, 1998 and subsequently sued to declare the conversion void.

The court determined that as a state court, it had jurisdiction over all state matters even those concerning Islam. Further, based upon the Federal Constitution (article 12), The Guardianship of Infants Ordinance (Sabah) 1999, The Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act, 1976 and The Administration of Islamic Law Enactment 1992 (Sabah) determined the conversion of a two year old child to be void.

In 2003, this issue became prominent again in the case of Shamala Sathiyaseelan v Dr. Jeyaganesh C. Mogarajah.

In the first hearing before the High Court, Shamala Sathiyaseelan sought (1) to bring committal proceedings against the father of the infants for breach of the interim custody order of the High Court of April 17, 2003, and (2) to declare that she was not bound by any decisions, order or proceedings of the syariah court.

Earlier the High Court had granted custody to Shamala Sathiyaseelan with access for the father. He failed to return the children to her on May 25, 2003.

Shamala and Jeyaganesh were married under Hindu rites registered under the jurisdiction of the Law Reform Act. The husband converted to Islam on Nov 19, 2002. On Nov 25, 2002 he converted the children without the mother's knowledge or consent. They were still not divorced at the time.

Without knowledge of Shamala he then obtained a custody order in the syariah court on Jan. 30, 2003.

The High Court ruled that the custody order issued by the syariah court "did not change the interim civil court order". They ruled that the syariah court order "is not binding on the plaintiff wife who is non-Muslim". The interim custody order of the High Court and proceedings were binding on the now Muslim husband as matters arising out of the Hindu marriage registered under the Law Reform Act. As his Hindu wife did not file for divorce, she remains "his unconverted wife" under this law.

On April 13, 2004 Shamala once again went to the high court. This time to seek an order that the conversion of the infants was void. As in Chang Ah Mee, she cited the Federal Constitution (Article 12), the Guardianship of Infants Act 1961 and the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act, 1993.

The Guardianship of Infants Act for the Federal Territories differed from that of Sabah in one aspect as it used the term "parent or guardian" and not "both parents or a guardian" as in AMLE Sabah.

In this case the High Court ruled that only the consent of one parent is required in the conversion to Islam of a person below 18 in the Federal Territories.

Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution reads "For the purposes of cl. (3) the religion of a person under the age of eighteen years shall be decided by his parent or guardian."

The High Court interpreted the term parent to mean father. The equality of rights granted to both parents under the Guardianship of Infants Act, 1961 was held inapplicable on the Muslim father.

In its judgement the High Court held the fatwa or the Mufti of the Federal Territory as persuasive (legal term). The Mufti stated that the father had the right to unilaterally convert the infants to Islam. No Fiqh (Qu'ranic or Sunnah basis) was cited in his opinion.

Shamala once again went to the high court on July 20, 2004 to apply inter alia for custody, care and control of the infants. The court awarded it with access for the father. In its judgement, it stated that "the right of religious practice of the two infant children shall be exercised equally by both parents" based on the Guardianship of Infants Act 1961. This was in spite of the earlier ruling that this act does not apply to Jeyaganesh who was now a Muslim.

The court also held that the applicable law at the time of conversion was civil law. It even ruled that the infants were "still Hindus at the time of conversion" and that the father should have consulted the mother before converting the infants.

However the court explicitly cautioned the mother from "influencing the infants' religious belief by teaching them her articles of faith or by making them eat pork" or she would risk losing her children. The rationale given was that the court "cannot run away from the fact that the two infant children are now muallaf" (converts to Islam).

As the case has gained prominence various religious organizations, human rights organizations and women's issues organizations have registered watching briefs. En. Haris Bin Mohamed Ibrahim has registered a watching brief on behalf of the Women's Aid Organisation, (WAO), All Women's Action Society (AWAM), Women's Center for Change, Penang (WCC) and Sisters In Islam (SIS). A. Kanesalingam, held watching brief for the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism (MCCBCHS). Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Bar Council are also holding watching briefs for this case.

The various organizations holding watching brief in this case now call themselves loosely Article 11 after the article of the Federal Constitution guaranteeing freedom of religion.


Still we are lucky that' our Country isn't as aggresive as the Arabians. Or are we.....?

We have Malaysia's Citizenship yet, we are no real Malsysian. Yes, this dosen't only applies to us but other immigrant races all around the Earth.

Who are we?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Distance Across Hope

A photo taken and modified by me using photoshop and picasa 2

Tenant of The Week!

Just a quick note to you all out there!

This is my 2nd tenant of the week!
I guess most of the poeple from BE know alout her, Cat! While those who have never heard of BE please at least go and give her a visit and leave some comments on her blog(You guys know who i'm talking)! You won't need to worry that you will waste a few seconds reading her blog! Cause every moment you used on her blog is worth it! SO guys please go and say hi to her by clicking on the picture just below the word 'the Tenanat of the Week' located at the sidebar!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Dark Morning

STUPID WEEK as a L6A student!

Sorry for not updating my blog for some time guys, i have been kinda lazy and obsess in playing Maple SEA, hehehehehehe.....
SO i decided to post what i had been doing for the pass few days from Tuesday till Friday in Catholic High.


Today cHs is celebrating Teachers'Day , me along with the other ex 5p1s decided to play absent today, cause we haven't register nor assign into any class thus they don't take attendance that day, plus after the ceremony we the lower 6s gotta stay back and help the SENIORS to clean up the school. Thus the 8 of us decided to 'pakat' and not go to school, we ain't going be their 'kuli's !

Early in the morning it rained, i wonder how are they gonna held the celebration?
anyway, it got nothing to do with me, i gotta go back to sleep. So chiao!


Went back to school today after having a day off. I thought we are going to register as soon as we arrived at the Lecture Hall. But NO, the teachers still got lotsa things to say, and warn us about the life in Form 6 especially to the Science Stream, they barely mention anything about Arts yet again.


After some craps we were asked by Pn.Chan Moi the Lembaga Alam Sekitar teacher to help to do some GARDENING.


What are we? Kuli? Free Tenaga Buruh? They kept asking to do this do that, when are we gonna start studying?!
We were separated into few groups , me, Sufen, SueYee and Jyy Wei along with some other girls were asked to help the plant changed their clothes by putting them into new shining pots. Dude, this is such a dirty job, can you imagine what a nightmare if your newly bought Uniform got dirty by those sticky, ugly-looking, shit-like-mud, yew......

Anyway, we still manage to keep our clothes clean by the end of the work. Then we went for recess and back to the Lecture Hall. This time they are done sorting us the ARTz People into the class that we ought to be while the Science, well, the teachers have some technical Problems with them.

By 11.30a.m. we the ARTz were given permission to go our class located at the 3rd floor of the Red building, block C. It was kinda tiring to walk to the 3rd floor while our class looked kinda old and dusty, yet i like my class. I could feel the warmth in my class especially spread by our class teacher, Pn. Yap Rio. She is kinda sweet. Plus the students were people from ARTz, they are kinda NIce too. I AM SO LOVING MY CLASS NOW. But what about those SCIENCE people who wanted to enter our class? What about them?
Currently there are 32 in our class and there's no longer have sufficient space to put 15+ people, we gotta stick 4 tables together so people have enough space to walk by. Lol, i hope there won't be too many SCIENCE people coming to our class....


Today, i was kinda happy as SueYee and i made our way thru our class in the Assembly ground. Finally, i got our class to queue in. Hehehehehe...Plus i was kinda proud as i boost about my class in front of the SCIENCE People who wanted to enter my class. Cause they are all fighting to enter our class the GREAT L6A! I thought our class only have few limited places left for the SCIENCE, only some selected will enter our class but no many. Plus, We the Artz people have a small but special library only open for the Artz people, the librabry is located inside the U6A class just a few class beside ours.
Hehehehehehehe...Can't help it.
I heard a rumour saying that Pn.Felicia wasn't happy about we the ARTz people got a Mini Library while the Science people don't. Few years back, when the Mini Library was newly opened, she stormed into the U6A class bringing some History and SCience related books. She wanted the ARTz people to Share the Mini Library with the SCIENCE People. They had quite a argue and eventually, she lost.

Let me tell you why, they said, the SCIENCE people Are rich they have made a FEW Labs while the ARTz people don't have anything that's why their teacher suggested to make a library USING THEIR OWN MONEY and THEIR OWN BOOKs, i think this is the MAIN reason why Felicia lost in the FIGHT. THIS IS THEIR PROPERTY, they made it by their own hands and money.
Then they passed the library Down to us the juniors who will one day take over the U6A class.
Touching isn't it?
Finally we got our own Property to be proud with!
After this, we went to the lecture Hall again.

This time, we had a talk by A guy Named Daryl Wong about "PARADIgM SHIRT: PATH TO SUCcESS". for me it was another crap, for others it was interesting, they kept laughing during the talk including SuFen JyyWei and the Others, while me, i just couldn't laugh but i had to force myself laugh. Luckily, there were still some stuff that was really really funny. By the time this thing ended it was 12.00 noon, Sufen, SueYee JyyWei and i made our way top the Canteen to have some lunch then to the Bimbingan Dan Kaunseling Room to sign up for the membership.
Later we went back to our class and waited till the 1st bell rang then we just walked out of the school without waiting for the second bell to ring. Heheheheeheheheheh.......


Friday (the WOrst Day of my week!)
Today during the Morning assembly, we the form6 girls including the upper 6 were asked by Ms. Lina to stay back for some warning. She told us that she received some complains from the teachers about the form 6s girls' bra, they said that some of our bra were too... well... colourful... and obvious for them those bras were like a light bulbs, they could be seen even though we were wearing a WHITE Shirt on it. Shucks...
i was wearing black bra at that time...and the girls told me that it was obvious.
At then, when we went back to our class, our Maths Teacher, Pn.Chan Moi was already there waiting for us, they she started talking about Maths stuff, Maths S And Maths T, 10 minutes later, a bunch of SCINCE people gathered in front of our class door waiting.
OMG! I got a real bad feeling about this....
They were all given the permission to change course from SCIENCE TO ARTz. All of them including someone i dislike....
All of them? LAGI BUll SHit!
Don't the SChool use their brains? Can't they see how crowded our class already is?
With them in our class, our number increase to 47! Now, we gotta stick 5 tables together!
What the HECK?!
Despite all these Pn. Chan Moi continued her craps about Maths S and Math T. THen she started talking about the SCIeNCe people.
"You see, Maths is consist of 2 paper, paper1 is focus on Pure Maths S and T are in it, which includes Materials from Add maths Which some of you had previously learnt especially the SCIeNCE People, while Paper 2 is only about Statistics and Quantitative, more about things which related to business. Paper 1 is the same for ARtz and SCieNCE Stream while Paper 2 is different depending on which stream you are in."
"Plus this time Maths are all in ENglish, this might be an advantage to those who had learnt EST especially the people from SCIENCE while the ARTz well, it might be quite hard for you guys,"

Then , she continued to talk with each sentence she spoke was filled with thorns as she continued to stab us with them. Eventually, her 2 periods were finally over as the bell rang.

Do i felt relieved?
I felt unhappy! With all the Science people in our class, we the Artz People who were originally from ARtz have from the 1st class citizen dropped into 2nd class citizen. I thought in this class we are all equal from the ARtz, that's why i loved my class at the beginning but when THEY Come in, we lost our equality.
What are WE?

i Still remembered few years back when all of them fight to enter the SCIENCE Stream while we who Chooses the ARtz laid back and relax. Now, they all fought to come into our seems like our class have written the school history to become one of the most crowded ARTz class.


During the last Period, which was Pengajian Am(General Knowledge in BM which was a mixture of BM and History), the teacher gave us some homework to do. But none of us there have bought our Text books.

"Hari Isnin, saya mau semua buat tugasan mereka, say a mau tengok, semua mesti buat!"
Alamak, this means that i gotta stay back and buy the text book from the KEdai buku, i knew it will be damn crowded. Anyway, SuFen and I still managed to bought our books quickly with the help of someone from L6A which i don't know who is he. Then i rushed my to the bus stop, when we were passing the ugly looking Block A Foyer, SuFEn spotted YouHeng and JiaQi, we had a brief crap talk. (i don't remember what crap we were talking about).
after this i then again rushed my way to the bus stop, luckily it wasn't here yet, i waited at the bus stop till the bus came.


So....That's end of my schooling week.
Currently i'm so depressed......

Monday, May 15, 2006

The LonEr

My 1st day As Lower 6s

Today is 15 of May, the day where i started my NEW LIFE as a Returnee to my Former School which i Graduated, Catholic High School as one of the eldest senior of the whole School, Form 6. Seniors....hmm, i sure like the sound of it....hehehehehehe.....

(To study form 6 you gotta have lotsa courage, as if you fail to get a flying colours in your STPM exam, you have equally watsted nearly of your 2 years time in high school. PLus it is a hard life, they said, the exam, STPM, is one of the most difficulty exams to be rated in the whole world. Thus many people picked a rather simple life. They chose colleges, private one of course, while some went to overseas, and others who can't afford such luxuries chose to take local universities or college, still they gotta pay lotsa sums compare to form 6 which doesn't need to pay. And to enter a better Universities such as Gorvenment collages or Universities require high qualifications among these qualifications is getting at least 3 principles in STPM. )

After all i had been rotting at home nearly 5 months!
i finally given the chance to resume my studies.
Yeay! I was quite nervous as today could consider as my 1st day in school as i had graduated last year in the same school.

And How ironic is that!

Today, i arrived at the school with SueYee at 7.10a.m. This is so weird when i re-enter the school. Everything was the same, but then the feeling i had was so different, excited? Maybe a little. Nervous? Maybe.

At 7.25a.m. the bell rang, SueYee and i made our way to the assembly ground for the weekly assemly. There i saw many Returnees from Science Stream but few from Arts Stream. They all gathered at the far most corner of the assembly ground. I sighed. I was kinda disappointed about it, i was hoping that i could meet more of my friends from my Former class 5p1. I did my little social chats with the old faces i knew from the previous years in this school.

Soon, we were pushed by the Prefects to the stairs surrounding the Assembly. There, i finally saw SuFen and Jyywei. The assembly was starting, all was prepare for the assembly except for us the Lower Form 6s. All of us kept moving and pushing on the tiny yet broad stairs we made our stand. Then, we started singing the National Song, Negaraku. It was like the old times many of the students weren't willing to sing the song, it was more like whispers rather than sing. The same thing applied to the following songs, Duli Yang Maha, Our state anthem and our school anthem. After minutes of standing with my mouth moving slightly a bit as we sing those song with not one bit of enthusiasm in them, we were asked to sit on the stairs.

It was kinda weird to sit on the stairs and stare at the few thousands human heads which were slightly lower down and just in front of us. It gave some sort of proud feeling, AFTER ALL WE ARE THE SENIORS. Then our headmistress started her crapping again, about those stuff she used to talk in my previous years, craps and rubbish which had to do with the proud facts that our school is a GOOD SCHOOL with great displines. Blah, blah, blah......BORING! Eventually the whole thing ends somewhere at 8.20a.m. We were then requested to go to the Lecture Hall, for the Registration.

There, I saw the others, WaiSeng, HonKiat, Lekong, SheauFeng.
Yeah, you guess it!
Only Eight out of 38 members of the former students of 5p1 return to the old money minded school.

They were going to have a orientation for us form 6. Welcome speeches yet again from our HeadMistrees while the other teachers explaining the functions of our school to the Form6. Finally just when i thought they were going to the grand finale of the whole session, the registration, instead they just explain about the difference between 3 Science classes that they had in this school. The only time they really mention the word 'art stream' was, "Who wishes to change their course from Science stream to Art Stream please come forward to us to take the Registration Forms," This is so unfair, Arts, whey are we always the second rated ones. I bet, all the best teachers of form6 such as Ms. Lina would probably be taken by the Science Classes too, while we take the leftovers just like when i was in form5.

Another thing that i wasn't too happy about was, too many people form science wanted to go for arts stream! Most probably they gonna divide us into 2 classes...Oh......shit.......But no use worrying.


Overall of the orientation was just a crap wasting our time! I thought we were going to register TODAY! They talked and talked and talked, nothing Crucial at all! the time the session end, it was somewhere 11a.m. We were then asked by our seniors the Upper from6s to help them in their decorations for tomorrow's Teachers' Day Celebration in collision with a teacher 's retirement (whom i don't know nor care.)

Jeez, we just spent 10 minutes and our part of helping was over. It was just 11.30a.m. We had to wait till 1.10.p.m. An hour and 40 minutes more to go....

At 1st we just stood around the round table talking about craps, then SheauFeng WaiSeng and Lekong decided to give our former teachers a visit, the girls didn't want, they were kinda shy to reunited with the teachers, so i left and went with the boys. We kept wandering around the schoo ltrying to find the teachers, but to no avail. We only mananged to find Pn.Chin and En.Song, and the rest well, we were too lazy to go in for another search. Then, we went to the Library for some reading and crapping.

There we waited and waited till 1.00p.m. only then we walked to the Round Table to get our backpacks. All of us were bored, tired and sleepy, i just can't wait to rush ourselves back home and had dip of myself in the shower, after all today, was another hot hot day.

1.10ap.m., the bell rang, SueYee and i just dashed ourselves to the bus stop and waited for the bus, 10 minutes later the bus came. We just got on it and head straight for home. So thus end my 1st day of school.

Oh what a crappy day!
and tomorrow my school is gonna celebrate Teacher's day and i'm not gonna go to school tomorrow, why because they haven't started taking attendance yet!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Cost Above Nature

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Click And Comment!

Attention to especially BlogExplosion members out there!

The Click and Comment campaign

Click And Comment Day is a campaign started by the owner of the Living with Multiple Personalities, Cat. ( I change the Click & Comment Day into Click & Comment Campaign as i don't have a certain day to do so.)

This campaign requires you to use one day in your whole week to have a Click & Comment Day. And Cat picked Monday, while i, i don't have a certain day, i'll just do it whenever i feel like it. Monday? Thuesday? She started this to remind you how important it is to comment on other blogs. It truly DOES increase your readership and you most often gain regulars that will visit your blog day after day.

What the campaign encourage is for you to click my renter. Then, you comment on the blog and click their renter or someone on their blogroll. Then you comment on that blog and click their renter or someone on their blogroll. Do this for as many blogs as you can. Sometimes they go full circle, and you end up at the originating blog, then just look up a blog in the blogroll and start the cycle again.

So, let's get started! Comment here and I'll either add your name and link to my post or use an auto-link program and let you add your own.

I really encourage you to do this at least to 5 comments if you have ANY time at all. It will give you the joy of sharing a few of your opinions on posts and bring you future readers.

Besides that, i'm gonna link your blogs to mine after you guys post your name and blog over here!



Original post can be found on
Click & Comment Day in Cat's Blog.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Third world

Please click on the picture for better effect....

This lady is my house maid who came here from our neighboring country, Indonesia, from the most isolated part of the country, in the forest, few years ago.
She came here to work so that she could support her family in Indonesia. Her name was Maria but we all called her Kakak. I felt pity for her for many reasons.

I remembered few days ago, she asked me while watching the Thomas Cup which was held in the Japan.
"Why in Japan it is night while here it's still evening?"
For a split second my jaws dropped, i knew it was kinda rude to do so but....~sigh~...Still i quickly put back my jaws so try to explained that the earth turns and vice versa.

Sometimes i just can't stop thinking that they are under surveillance camera. Many of us might say, "they had to!" this mainly because they in this country, there dozens of case related to maids and employers. Maid tortured themselves or employers torture them or even maid trying to kill employers' children to get revenge...


This month was her last month working in this dreaded country.
Happy? Sad? Both, for Kakak and for myself.


"every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves." ~ U Thant

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Lost again!

Yesterday, i entered the Battle of the Blogs and guess what?
I lost again, the 2nd time, i'm currently 0-2....
Now i'm so bloody sad , my rank drop drastically from no.1738 to no. 2259, despite the supports from my friends...
Damn embarrassing....

my current rank...

Latest News!
Finally Won one battle!
From No 2559 to no.2557 and then from there to 1705!
Hahahahahahahaha.....You guys might not see this but thanks to you guys who voted for me!

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Accidentally made this picture thru random filtering in Photoshop, see closely...and tell me...what do you see in this picture?

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Oval Universe

Flat Earth? Round Earth? Or Oval Earth?

"The Church says that the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round. For I have seen the shadow of the earth on the moon and I have more faith in the Shadow than in the Church." ~Ferdinand Magellan~

Thursday, May 04, 2006

the Past in the Present

This building was located in my father's hometown, long ago it's used to be one of the largest bread producing factory and now...look at it!
It's kinda gives me a melancholic feeling of the past...and a chill down my spine of what will be come of us in the future?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Labour Day ? Holiday !

Okay, today is Labour Day and guess what?
I am day off! As in, FOREVER DAY OFF!
Finally free from the stingy old fox's grasp. Well, this explains a lot about the aftermath of my outburst about double pay on Labour Day. Still, i'm gonna give a short description of what had happened the day after i demanded double pay on Labour Day and my last of Work!

It was Thursday morning, 26th of April. As usual, i arrived early only to find that my colleague was not there yet. I waited for approximately 10 minutes and our neighbouring outlet, Bolton Vision's employee came. Both of us had a small chat about the double pay issue along with some salary matters, and only them i knew, i wasn't making up all these things which i said on that day about double pay in everywhere.
"You know, part timers definitely get their pay double on Labour Day, sometimes even triple
"Walauweh, is it so? i thought i was just making thing up....hahahhahahaha..."
"No, you're right, in my previous working place, part timers get their double pays on occasion like these, while full timers sometimes get double pays or they can have their replacement holidays,"
"Oh, i see...."
"By the way, you salary so low you shouldn't work at that place for so long, in here, you can just simply close your eyes and pick an outlet, the odd for you to pick an outlet with high salaries are 9 out of 10!,"
"Really?! Guess i should be working here in the 1st place....hahahahaha..."

1 minute before 10, my colleague finally arrived, both of us had a quiet moment as we clean the place.

And then at 10.15 a.m. sharp. The Fox came. I was quite nervous when i saw him coming into his premises.
"Jack, Good morning,"
"Morning, Jack,"
"Good Morning, please take the stocks out i gotta send them to the customers now,"
And then for the next 15 minutes three of us kept ourselves busy by taking out those stocks one by one. It wasn't easy, ya know? they were heavy and kinda bulky.

15 minutes later, we came finally sit down on our respective chair...seeing that we had finnish what we should and he was sitting there on his chair counting his money again, i finally opened my mouth.
"Jack, about the Labour Day..." Again i paused, waiting for him to stopped from his counting. He lifted up his head.
"Oh yeah, about that...i want you to work till 30th of April, is that all right?"
Hahahahahaha.....just as i had guest. He was stingy enough to rather save those 2 ringgit per hour than to give it to me.
"Oh yeah, okay, no problem,"
"After all, i think both of them could handle it just fine,"
A obvious hint meaning that, " i don't need you anymore you weren't as helpful as them. i rather save my money!"

You might be thinking that i think too radical but really that's the fact. You see how stingy he can be?

And then, yesterday Sunday, 30th of April my last in the outlet, i started my job at 1p.m. When i reached the place, i just told my colleagues(including SuWei), "You can take those customers anyway you like, i ain't gonna serve them, today i'm here only to sit down and wait till times comes and get my wages, BUT i'll still help ya guys if ya guys are busy, if not, those customers are all yours!"

For both of them , this was not a problem, in fact they should be happy especially my other colleague(NOT SUWEI!). Long before my arrival upon this war-torn land, both of them had been fighting among each other to compare who had the highest sale, either for that day or for that month. Actually SuWei didn't wanna fight at first but the guy there, i guess he likes to think he's too experienced, after all he had been working in One Utama for almost a year (though he always change his working place. His previous working place was Bolton Vision.) Plus he's few years older than us.
Like they say, 要面.
To him, i wasn't a treat, i'm just a PART TIMER. Who cares anyway, it's not like i wanna join the battlefield though sometimes he really irritates me and SuWei especially when his nett sales was the higher than me(duh! of course!) and SuWei. He was childish enough to do those kiddy actions simply just to irritate us. Yet, weird enough that 7 out of 10, was SuWei had the highest nett sales for the month and the day. And on some other day, i had a customer who just barged in and said he wanted two Elle luggage which totals up the sum of 1048 riggint which really irritates the my colleague who worked so hard on get the total sale of 800 ringgit plus.
Well, i was so bloody happy when i saw he expression, i finally got a chance to give him a taste of his own bitter medicine!

Okay, done with the side story.

So that whole day, i did help them serve a few customers though lack of the enthusiasm i used to have (i just watched those customers, too lazy to explain about those big bulky bags anyway.) and still manage to get a sale of 360 ringgit!

At nite, the boss did came only to give us our salary. We was so shocked that our face went pale white.
Why? You guys might ask.
Because we were playing Poker Cards(of course, without any bets) . We all knew that our boss hates people Gambling, though we are not gambling it looked like one. We tried to keep the cards as fast as we could yet we don't know whether he did saw those decks of cards or not. If he did see it, then he must be a real good actor for hiding his expressions. After giving us our salary, he left. And then, 10 minutes later we continued to play our games of cards.

So that's how i ended my last day in that place.
Anyway, that's the aftermath of my story. Next time i swear, even if i had to get a work in One Utama, i ain't coming back to that dreaded place unless he double pays me!

Then again, i don't feeling going back to that Hellish Abyss!

In Between Nature

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